  [제185호] 2007년 10월 19일 메인으로 | 전체기사 | 지난호 | 외교통상부  
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”집에 고무보트라도 챙겨두시죠”
”FTA비준 힐러리변수 문제 없을 것”
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정부, 소말리아 피랍자 석방위해 최선의 노력
정부, 소말리아 피랍자 석방위해 최선의 노력
송민순 외교통상부 장관은 소말리아에서 피랍된 우리 선원들의 석방문제와 관련, 외교부는 피랍된 선원들의 무사 석방을 위하여 최선의 노력을 다 하고 있다고 밝혔습니다. 지난 15일 국회 통외통위 전체회의에서 송 장관은 “우리 선원의 조속한 귀한을 위해 관계기관과 함께 모든 노력을 경주하고 있다”며 “정부는 선주측의 협상을 지원하고 있으며 앞으로도 계속 지원해 나갈 것”이라고 말했습니다. 송 장관은 또 “정부는 우리 선원들의 석방을 위하여 정부가 석방금을 지원하는 것은 1200만 해외여행 우리국민들이 납치범들의 잠재적 목표가 되므로 불가하다는 원칙을 가지고 있다”고 설명했습니다. 소말리아에 억류돼 있는 우리 선원들은 지난 5월15일 예멘으로 향하던 중 소말리아 해안에서 210마일 떨어진 수역에서 해적에 의해 납치되었으며, 현재 이들의 석방을 위한 해적들과의 직접 접촉은 선주 및 관련 선사가 하고 있습니다. 정부는 정보 및 기술적 지원을 하고 있으며 피랍된 선원들의 조속한 석방을 위하여 최대한 노력할 방침입니다.
한-EU FTA 제4차 협상 개최
한-EU FTA 제4차 협상 개최
한-EU 자유무역협정(FTA) 체결을 위한 제4차 협상이 15일부터 닷새간 서울 신라호텔에서 열리고 있습니다. 정부는 지난 3차례 협상을 통해 마련된 분야별 통합협정문과 양허안을 토대로 논의를 진행중이며, 특히 상품양허안 관련, 한-EU 양측 양허안에 대한 전반적인 평가와 한-미 FTA에 비해 상호에게 불리한 대우를 해주고 있는 분야에 대해 산업 부문별 비교 평가, 민감성 등에 대한 기술적인 협의(technical consultation)를 진행합니다. 이를 통해 양측 양허안에 대한 상호 이해를 증진시키고 향후 양허 협상을 보다 실질적으로 진전시키는 계기를 마련할 계획입니다.  이번 협상에서는 비교적 협상 진전이 빠른 지속가능발전, 분쟁해결, 기술장벽(TBT)등의 협상은 3차 협상 이후 준비기간이 짧은 것을 감안하여 제외하고, 핵심분야인 상품양허, 비관세조치, 서비스/투자, 원산지, 지적재산권 분야 협상만 진행합니다. 우리측은 이번 협상을 위해 김한수 외교통상부 자유무역협정추진단장을 수석대표로 정부 대표단 140여명이, EU측은 베르세로(Ignacio Garcia Bercero) EU집행위 통상총국 동아시아국장을 수석대표로 20여명의 대표단이 참석합니다.
장관, 독일외교정책협회(DGAP) 연설
장관, 독일외교정책협회(DGAP) 연설
Berlin has been a specially meaningful place to me. 28 years ago, I was sent to Berlin on my first foreign posting as a diplomat. I have vivid memories of looking at the Berlin Wall and feeling a sense of sharing the pain of division. Visiting Berlin now, when it has assumed a new face as the symbol of unity, the emotions I am experiencing are quite different from then. At the Inter-Korean Summit last week, one of the issues the two leaders discussed was South Korea's assistance in repairing the expressway connecting Seoul and Pyongyang. This reminded me of the BRD's support for the repair of the Hannover-Berlin Expressways in the late 1970s, which I personally witnessed. The distance between Hannover and Berlin is similar to that between Seoul and Pyongyang. When I saw President Roh walking over the demarcation line, the image was reminiscent of events that took place at Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin in the 1970s and 80s. Let me start with the North Korean nuclear issue, which is a source of great concern in East Asia as well as in other parts of the world. Some people think that this issue is too complex to be resolved. However, I believe that it will not only be resolved but that it will offer an opportunity for a new peace and security order in Northeast Asia. Recent progress in the six-party talks has broken new ground as denuclearization moves forward. In September 2005, the Six Parties agreed on a blueprint for a denuclearized Korean Peninsula. In February 2007, the six parties adopted a plan to implement the blueprint. As a result, nuclear facilities in Yongbyon were shut down and IAEA inspectors returned to North Korea. Last week, the Parties reached yet another important milestone by agreeing on how and when to disable these facilities. Pursuant to the agreement, North Korea will disable three key nuclear facilities in Yongbyon by the end of this year. The North has also committed itself to providing a complete and correct declaration of all its nuclear programs within the year. This declaration will give us the whole picture of all nuclear-related activities and programs in North Korea, which will be the basis for their final dismantlement. In return, corresponding measures, including economic and energy assistance provided by the five parties, will facilitate the denuclearization process. The United States, in parallel with the DPRK's actions, is expected to fulfill its commitment to North Korea by removing North Korea from its list of state sponsors of terrorism as well as the Trading with the Enemy Act. As the six-party talks have progressed, great efforts have been made to engage North Korea and to deepen inter-Korean relations. The Inter-Korean summit held in Pyongyang last week was a new landmark effort. At the summit, President Roh Moo-hyun and Chairman Kim Jong-il adopted a Joint Declaration, which highlights important objectives and provides direction for the future of inter-Korean relations. The Declaration contains several important agreements. The South and the North agreed to work together toward denuclearization by fully implementing the measures outlined in the September 2005 Joint Statement and the February 2007 Agreement. They also recognized the need to establish a permanent peace regime replacing the current armistice. The two Koreas will play a central role in this process. As substantial steps are taken by North Korea towards denuclearization, other directly related parties will join the two Koreas at an appropriate time to consult on initiating the process for a new peace regime on the Korean Peninsula. Given the nature of the North Korean government, such a direct commitment by the top leader deserves special attention. In the area of economic cooperation, the two sides agreed to create a ``special peace and cooperation zone in the West Sea" with a view to further working on the establishment of a joint fishing ground and maritime peace zone and a special economic zone on land. The Gaeseong Industrial Complex will be expanded as soon as the first-stage operation is completed. All these cooperation projects will be conducted in a mutually beneficial way and thus lay solid groundwork for an eventual inter-Korean economic community. The progress in denuclearization and the peace process on the Korean Peninsula will in turn open the path for a regional security dialogue in Northeast Asia. It is at this juncture that I look west to the experience of the multilateral security dialogue in Europe. We take a great interest in how the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) paved the way for security cooperation through confidence-building measures over the years. Given the different backgrounds in the two regions, it would not be appropriate to directly apply the experience of Europe in Northeast Asia. However, if the countries of Northeast Asia aspire to achieve ground for common security and prosperity, they will be able to benefit from the lessons that Europe learned over several decades. Whilst Europe may seem to be far from Northeast Asia geographically, the two regions are becoming increasingly closer. I am sure that, in the not too distant future, Korea will be connected to Germany through the Trans-Eurasian Railway, comprising the Trans-Korean Railway (TKR) and the Trans-Siberian Railway (TSR) or Trans-China Railway (TCR). I look forward to the day when we will be able to leisurely travel by train from Seoul to Berlin, passing through North Korea and crossing over the Eurasian continent. The Korea-EU Free Trade Agreement, which is currently under intensive negotiation, is another critical attempt to bring Korea and the EU closer. The FTA will enable the EU to further strengthen ties with the entire region of Northeast Asia. The closer Asia and Europe get to each other, the greater the role Germany and Korea will be able to play. I ask all of you to render your wholehearted support to ensure that our common efforts do bear fruit. The article is an excerpt of a speech made by Foreign Affairs and Trade Minster Song Min-soon at the German Council on Foreign Relations in Berlin, Tuesday. . ED. By Song Min-soonMinister of Foreign Affairs and Trade 출 처: 코리아타임스  07/10/12 
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