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  [제262호] 2009년 6월 4일 메인으로 | 전체기사 | 지난호 | 외교통상부  

트위터 페이스북
동아시아 기후포럼 장관 개회사

2009.5.29(금) 09:30
조선호텔 그랜드 볼룸

Distinguished Guests, and
Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a great privilege for me to be opening the first East Asia Climate Forum today.

As all of you are aware, the international community is now faced with several urgent challenges. 

Among them, the global economic crisis and climate change are the most pressing issues that call for a concerted global response.

However, many believe that the economic crisis is a relatively short-term challenge that can be overcome eventually.

On the other hand, the effects of climate change may have a lasting impact on our planet.

If we do not respond quickly, the harms of global warming may become permanent.

As such, there is a growing sense of consensus throughout the international community that we cannot continue with the conventional carbon-intensive economic activities.

Therefore, we need to concur on a new paradigm for sustainable development.

Take a moment to think about the unique characteristics of East Asia.

East Asia is a very densely populated region, which is undergoing rapid economic growth.

Now, let's think about the fact that fossil fuels,  which we are so dependent on right now, may soon run out.

If we want to respond to climate change and continue economic growth at the same time, then East Asia has to come up with a new approach.

Change is not easy.  But without change, there can be no progress.

Korea believes that the new development paradigm should be that of "Low Carbon Green Growth". 

Last year, at the 60th anniversary of the founding of the government of the Republic of Korea, President Lee Myung-bak declared "Low Carbon Green Growth" as a new policy vision of our nation for the next 60 years.

Korea wishes to actively participate in the global efforts against climate change, while pursuing sustainable development through Low Carbon Green Growth. 

As announced by President Lee at the G8 Summit in Toyako, Japan last July, Korea is initiating the "East Asia Climate Partnership" to address climate change, and to support the green growth of East Asian countries.

To this end, we have decided to contribute 200 million US dollars from 2008 to 2012.

The East Asia Climate Partnership includes : (1)intergovernmental policy forums; (2)official development assistance; and (3)green technology and carbon finance fairs.

The East Asia Climate Forum is, therefore, an important part of the East Asia Climate Partnership.

I have high hopes that today’s Forum can be a catalyst by which a synergy effect can be realized.

East Asian countries can make use of this Forum to share their respective "Low Carbon Green Growth" strategies and exchange policy experiences.

We can also use the Forum to strengthen cooperation in the so-called "green industries".

In particular, it would be desirable to work together in the priority areas for green growth.

For example, (1)sustainable management of water and forests; (2)building green transport systems; (3)pursuing green urban planning; and (4)developing new and renewable energy sources could be some of the areas for further cooperation.
We believe that the East Asia Climate Forum will contribute to the effective actions on climate change by East Asian countries, -- while further enhancing regional cooperation and economic development as well.

I am confident that the East Asia Climate Forum, through the Seoul Initiative for "Low Carbon Green Growth" in East Asia, can help create a roadmap for the East Asian region.

In closing, I would like to thank all the distinguished delegates and guests attending this Forum.

And I hope that you will carry out fruitful discussions on further enhancing our cooperation in this all-too-important field.

Thank you for your attention.

I now declare the East Asia Climate Forum open!


[2009-06-03, 16:41:04]

트위터 페이스북

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