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  [제266호] 2009년 7월 3일 메인으로 | 전체기사 | 지난호 | 외교통상부  

트위터 페이스북
한미 우호의 밤

권종락 외교통상부 제1차관(뒷줄 왼쪽에서 네번째)은 6월 30일 서울에서 열린
'한미 우호의 밤' 행사에 참석하여 축사를 했습니다.

권종락 외교통상부 제1차관, '한미 우호의 밤' 축사

2009.6.30(화) 18:30
하얏트 호텔 그랜드 볼룸

President 한철수,
General Sharp,
Members of the USFK and Their Families,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am honored to be invited and to have the opportunity to speak before you this evening.

I would like to begin by expressing my gratitude to President 한철수 and the members of the Korea America Friendship Society for hosting such a wonderful gathering.

Since its launch in 1991, the Korea America Friendship Society has been at the forefront in fostering friendship and mutual understanding between our two peoples by organizing various events.

I understand that the June Festival is one of the most important activities carried out by the society. This Festival is a place for celebration. Indeed, we are gathered here this evening to celebrate our long-enduring partnership, which is now stronger than ever before. It is here that we congratulate each other for our joint efforts and accomplishments, and that we pay due respects to members of the USFK for your devotion to freedom and peace.

Distinguished Guests,

Tonight, in particular, we congratulate four winners of 2009 KAFS Friendship Award. They are tough soldiers, but at the same time gentle diplomats promoting friendship with the Korean people. They have actively participated in local volunteer activities such as visiting orphanages and teaching English, and I thank them for their sacrifice and service.

I am very happy to report to you that two weeks ago, the ROK-US alliance reached a new milestone by announcing a Joint Vision statement. Our two presidents pledged to broaden the scope of the allied partnership, beyond security cooperation, into political, economic, social and cultural arena. They also agreed to build a future-oriented strategic alliance of bilateral, regional and global scope.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As clearly demonstrated once again in the outcomes of the recent Summit, the ROK-US alliance has successfully achieved remarkable progress over the last fifty years. And the USFK has always been with us as a pillar of our allied partnership and enduring ties.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to reiterate, on behalf of the Korean government and people, our deep appreciation to the men and women of the USFK for their dedicated services.

Congratulations once again to the recipients of awards, and I wish all of you a happy and healthy summer season.

Thank you.  /END/

[2009-07-03, 10:47:15]

트위터 페이스북

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