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[139thth Edition] July 04, 2013

트위터 페이스북
UN Security Council’s North Korea Sanctions Committee Panel of Experts Issues Its 2013 Annual Report

1. The UN Security Council’s North Korea Sanctions Committee Panel of Experts issued its 2013 annual report on June 24, 2013 New York time. The report aims to collect and analyze information regarding the implementation of the UN Security Council resolutions on North Korea, investigate cases of violations of the resolutions, and make recommendations for the effective implementation of the resolutions. The release of the report is the third since 2010.

2. The 2013 annual report contains detailed analyses and assessments of North Korea’s latest nuclear and missile activities, information on North Korea’s cooperation with Iran and Syria, and cases concerning the implementation of embargoes against North Korea. The report also recommends putting additional North Korean individuals and entities related to the country’s nuclear and ballistic missile program on the list of sanctions against North Korea.

3. The Information in the report by the Panel of Experts is expected to contribute to the international community’s effective implementation of the UNSC resolutions on North Korea. The government of the Republic of Korea will further strengthen coordination with the international community for the effective implementation of sanctions against North Korea.

[2013-07-04, 14:41:42]

트위터 페이스북